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Livre d'Or

Date: 18/12/2023

Par: Francesco Sinibaldi

Sujet: Le gazouillement des saisons.

J'écoute un
gazouillement qui
entre dans les
arbres avec une
douceur qui rappelle
la jeunesse, je
rêve la saison des
douces mélodies.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Date: 21/11/2023

Par: Francesco Sinibaldi

Sujet: Prudent thought.

When the
heaven outshines
and a beautiful
young bird
discovers the
sun, I see your

Francesco Sinibaldi


Date: 12/02/2016

Par: Jaco Adriaanse

Sujet: Photo Licensing

Dear JCF,

I work for a children's educational publisher in South Africa. We are compiling a series on influential South African artists and one of the books is about Johnny Clegg.

Are any of the images you host on this site up for licensing? In particular, the image of Johnny as a young boy with his mother on the Biography page is of particular interest. If possible, can you please let me know how I can license this image?

You can contact me at

Merci Beaucoup!

Date: 29/08/2014

Par: lorent31

Sujet: superbe attention ^^

je kiffe Johnny Clegg etant donné que c'est ma generation ^^ et felicitation au webmaster de ce site vraiment bon taf bisous

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